Hi everyone,


I am happy to announce that we will be back training at the Cowbridge leisure centre from Monday 5th of October, and that we have earlier sessions for everyone. I have a new timetable in place to once again accommodate for more classes as we are only allowed very limited numbers. 

Unfortunately we can only have a Monday for now, the Thursday booking is not available at the moment. 

I am still actively looking for a venue for Thursday training but it has been very difficult in these uncertain times, I will let you all know as soon as I have something. 

As we can only train once week in Cowbridge for now, your monthly fees have been recalculated: 

All students will now be on £20/month from the 1st of October 2020.

Please update your monthly standing order from that date 

The family discount can only be applied to families of 3 or more for now, please contact me for your updated fees if not sure. (the normal family discount will restart for everyone as soon as we can go back to twice a week training) 

  • Please note that the 20/month fee is only temporary and that fees will go back up as soon as we can restart twice a week (I will not offer a once a week only fee option once we are back to 2 lessons per week) 

Check the new times and groups for your sessions and get in touch if you’re not sure of what class your child should attend: 

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. 

Thank you
