First, I would just like to thank you all for your continued support during this very difficult time! Our clubs remain very much alive online and I am looking forward to create more content for our students in the coming weeks.

At the moment we are not able to receive any form of Government funding despite having to close our Taekwondo schools through the COVID 19 pandemic.
I have been working very hard to get our business online and I would like to thank all my students for their commitment and dedication to their training.

I cannot wait to re-open our classes but in the mean time I will continue to create online content for you.

I do understand that paying full fees for online content is difficult for some of you though, even more so in this situation.

I have decided to offer all of my students an alternative and reduce everyone’s monthly fee to £10/month per FAMILY from the 1st May 2020. This payment will be a membership retainer fee which also covers the online content and program.

All you have to do is to please amend your standing order to £10/month from the 1st of May 2020 if possible. If you would like to discuss this with me or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, I am always available 😊

Please share this message to other students from our Taekwondo community, thank you all again for your amazing support and stay safe.

All the best, Neil