Dear Parents/Students,

I have made the decision to close our Taekwondo schools for 2 weeks from Monday 23rd of March until Sunday 5th of April 2020. It is always difficult to cancel sessions but the safety of our students and families comes first and I believe that this is the right thing to do in this situation.

All classes are running as normal this week and the colour belt grading on Friday is still on at this stage.
After today’s news, unfortunately things might change. In the event of the grading being cancelled, your grading fees will be saved to cover the next grading whenever possible.
We are organising time slots for different groups at the grading to reduce mass gathering with parents and to avoid having too many students on at the same time. (More information and exact times will be released in the next few days).
The results of the grading will be posted on our Facebook page and website, belts and certificates will be ready for when we start back on Monday the 6th of April.

Please listen to the latest government guidelines and advice. If you feel Ill, have a temperature or a cough, stay home and rest. All our equipment and pads are sanitised before and after each training session to reduce any risks of spreading germs and there will be no sparring in class until further notice. I am also making sure that our venues are challenged on their cleanliness!

I would ask for now to please not cancel your monthly membership in April if you can. Our policy is to give your instructor a month notice if you stop training so if we have to cancel more classes, your April payment will cover your last month of training.
At this stage, I am planning to start back after a couple of weeks off and we will add extra sessions whenever possible in the future to cover for cancellations. We are a small business and any membership cancellation at this stage would have a devastating effect! If you can afford it, please continue paying your membership fees to support your club, I thank you in advance for your understanding.

Any questions, please do not hesitate to call or message me.

Thank you all for your support and please stay safe 🙏🙂

Please share

Neil Gimbel