Colour belt grading update Friday 20th March 2020

Quick update on our colour belt grading

We are running our grading this Friday at The Colcot sports centre, Barry from 6pm.

The grading will be split into two groups, please read carefully & try to follow the plan, it is in place for the safety of your child & family 😊

* White belts up to Green stripe to arrive at 5:45pm. Please drop your child off at the door with our Assistant Instructors. Your child will be ready to be picked up at the door at 6.45pm

* Green Belts & above to arrive at 7pm. This will be a smaller group & we ask you to return at 7.30pm. Your child will be ready for you at that time.

Please make sure your child is ready to start on arrival, white TAGB suits and belts on!

We will ask all parents to leave the venue and wait in their car to avoid mass gatherings.

Please understand we will follow guidelines for everyone’s safety.

NO sparring equipment needed for this grading.

We have put this in place to keep the groups smaller, whilst performing at a safe distance.

Many Thanks, please do not hesitate to contact me for any questions.

Neil 😊